My 14 yo son Trenton said “ this smoothie is SWEET and TANGY ”. You know how teen boys can shovel EVERYTHING and the kitchen sink into their mouth??? YA they sure can and STAY THIN WITH GREAT MUSCLE TONE!! Remember those days wayyyy back when lol. Trenton’s friend was here while I made this drink. His buddy came back over today and asked for another smoothie

You know what else is cool? Trenton’s friend brought him Mom over. She spent hours in my kitchen with me

1 cup or more frozen blueberries - fresh ones might make it sweeter
1 cup spinach
1 cup blueberry greek yogurt
handful or more of ice
1/4 to 1/2 of avocado
I used coconut milk but you could use any like flax seed, hemp, or almond milk.
3 -5 drops of lemon doTERRA essential oil
Power up your vitamix or high speed blender and tell me what you think :)
Love how the lemon gives this a twist but yet does not over power the blueberry flavor. My younger kiddo's said it tastes like blueberry lemon ice cream. Well thank you Lord I have a winner smoothie :)
You can check out my doTERRA essential oil page. I have been using so many in my smoothies. Fun to have my kids guess which oil I dropped in it.