
About Me

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I am 37 Married Mother of 6 beautiful children :) I have 3 deep passions! First is seeing my husband and children thrive in all GOD has for them :) After that I am crazy wild about supernatural healing signs n wonders, miracles and the prophetic :) That list goes on and on... The 3rd would be healthy living.I call this blog "Juiced Alive" because its how I feel when I juice!Juicing and a raw diet mean a great deal to me. I am not 100% raw. I was born and raised in Alaska so I LOVE SALMON and MOOSE MEAT!! Juicing has been a big blessing to my body. I have been doing it for almost 8 yrs now. My children LOVE the hulk drink and many others :) My hope is that this blog will display that it can be simple and enjoyable. I could write pages on the benefits of juicing but I will spare you.........for now :) BLESSINGS!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Grapefruit Juice Drink

Woke up this morning to my 4 yo "Trusty"  asking over and over to juice grapefruit juice. I wanted to bless his hearts desire so off to the store we went. Just going through the produce section the cart was half way full. Trinity and Trusty piled in  oranges, clementines, grapefruits, lemons, limes, green/red apples, pears, lettuce, cucumbers and red /green peppers. They were ready to get home quickly and juice. Soon as we got home they  peeled the clementines and I cut up the grapefruit.

3 grapefruits
8 clementines

This juice drink is a simple but not plain.......I believe many requests in our home will be made for this one.

You will like this juice drink :)

I do use grapefruit seed extract for colds or other bacterial infections. Also I use it to wash my produce. One of those things I keep in my cabinet.

The many benefits of grapefruits include:
  • High in vitamin C which boosts the immune system and helps fight colds and flu.
  • When eaten whole the fruit is an excellent source of the soluble fiber pectin which is good for the cardiovascular system, reducing high cholesterol.
  • Good for allergies.
  • Helps prevent and heal infections of the throat and mouth.
  • The white pith is rich in bioflavonoids - these are great for the skin, and help reduce cellulite, and fluid retention.
  • The grapefruit seeds contain a natural antibiotic and antiseptic - another reason to eat or juice them whole. Grapefruit seed extract (GSE) is used to fight colds, sore throats, parasites, and yeast infections and to relieve indigestion.
  • Pink and red varities are high in lycopene which appears to significantly lower the risk of prostate cancer.
  • Contains many health promoting, anti-cancer plant chemicals including phenolic acid, limonoids, terpenes, and monoterpenes.

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